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× jsvisit Besucherzähler für Joomla

No countries listed

  • Adrian von Grueningen
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1 Jahr 4 Monate her - 1 Jahr 4 Monate her #1431 von Adrian von Grueningen
No countries listed wurde erstellt von Adrian von Grueningen
Hello all!
I'm having a weird little thing going on with the visitor counter.
It seems to only have one unspecified country. Not sure why this is.
I've tried turning the geolocation servers on and off to see if any of them works, but I'm getting the same result on all of them.

Please see the attached pic!

A speculation; my web site is behind a Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM), could it be that the counter sees all visitors as coming from this proxy instead of actual countries?
If this may be the case, are there any ideas on how to work around this?

The number part of the counter otherwise works just fine.
Thanks for this little gem!

Thanks for any hints, suggestions or pointers!


Letzte Änderung: 1 Jahr 4 Monate her von Adrian von Grueningen.

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1 Jahr 4 Monate her #1432 von jochen
jochen antwortete auf No countries listed
jsvsit will find  country of visitor using provided ip-address of visitor. If your proxy will send/provide same ip-addess for any visitors country assignment cannot be done. 
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Adrian von Grueningen

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  • Adrian von Grueningen
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1 Jahr 4 Monate her #1433 von Adrian von Grueningen
Adrian von Grueningen antwortete auf No countries listed
Hi and thanks for confirming my theory.
It just occured to me to try out a direkt port forward to the web server instead of NPM.
Will try that as a definitive conformation and get back here!


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  • Adrian von Grueningen
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1 Jahr 4 Monate her #1434 von Adrian von Grueningen
Adrian von Grueningen antwortete auf No countries listed
This will take a while to collect enough hits on my small personal web site...
I'm thinking the country info, even though interesting, isn't a dealbreaker. I'll just disable this feature.

Thanks for your swift reply!


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1 Jahr 4 Monate her #1435 von jochen
jochen antwortete auf No countries listed
I've added some code to the plugin (biuild to detect proxy - can you try and tell me the results?
To install new build, use update function of joomla or download/install via "

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  • Adrian von Grueningen
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1 Jahr 4 Monate her #1436 von Adrian von Grueningen
Adrian von Grueningen antwortete auf No countries listed
Hi and thanks!

Just installed the new version from the posted zip.
I don't see any changes yet, but I guess it might take a day or two before I see countries listed.
I un-ignored bots to force some more traffic though.

Will get back tomorrow.


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