Labels and data for this line chart are retrieved from a csv file via parameter data="csv". In addition to the parameter for the file name, parameter "1" has been specified because data columns start after row 1 (after the csv-header) of the csv-file. Only column 4 is used for data (defined via parameter: csv_cols="4").

Parameter for creation of chart

{rgraph type="Line" width="700" height="350" title="DAX30 one Year Performance" data="csv" csv_parm="php-apps/RGraph/samples/dax30_historic.csv,1" csv_cols="4" x_step="12" xaxisLabelsAngle="35" backgroundGridAutofit="false" yaxisScaleMin="12000" yaxisScaleMax="17000" marginLeft="50" reverse_csv="1" 
xaxisTickmarksCount="12" yaxisScaleDecimals="0" tooltip="#label#<br>#val# Points" tooltipsEvent="onclick" scaleDecimals="0" crosshairs="false" xaxisLabelsOffsety="2" trendline="1" trendlineLinewidth="2" trendlineDashed="1" trendlineColors="#008000"}cvs{/rgraph}


[No canvas support]>


Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.
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