Sample 4: Tooltip and dimension with pie chart

Move mouse pointer into Pie chart and see what happens.

Chart Parameters:{flashchart height="350" tooltip="#label# (#percent# of #total#.000 £)" type="pie" title="Revenue by Month in 1000 £" data="Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun/50,60,70,100,109,60" dimension=".000£" pie_label_values="1" }sample04{/flashchart}

{flashchart height="350" tooltip="#label# (#percent# of #total#.000 £)" type="pie" title="Revenue by Month in 1000 £" data="Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun/50,60,70,100,109,60" pie_label_values="1" dimension=".000£"}sample04{/flashchart}

Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.

