To combine these three charts, parameter "combine_chart" is set to "true". This causes that second and third chart are drawn into the same canvas as first chart as all charts use the same id ("cvs").
Parameter for creation of chart 1
{rgraph data="Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday/40,50,80,30,40,60,70" title="A Combined Chart" textAngle="20" variant="glass" colorsSequential="true" tooltip=" #val#€" tooltipsEvent="onmousemove" unitsPost=" €"}cvs{/rgraph}
Parameter for creation of chart 2
{rgraph type="Pie" data="40,50,80,30,40,60,70" combine_chart="1" radius="50" centerx="300" centery="100"
tooltip="#val#€<br>#percent#% of #total#€" chart_name="chart" tooltipsEvent="onmousemove"
Parameter for creation of chart 3
{rgraph type="Line" data="400,450,600,300,400,600,700" combine_chart="1"
tooltip="#val#$" yaxisPosition="right" tooltipsEvent="onmousemove" ymax="800" unitsPost=" $" numxticks="0"}cvs{/rgraph}
Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.
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