Important: If you use parameter "draw_option" with effect settings you must consider following. Because rgraph uses as delimiter curly brackets ("{" "}") you must code the draw_option parameter by changing curly brackets into square brackets. E. g. change "wave({frames: 60})" into "wave([{frames: 60])" If you do not change accordingly the chart will not display.
Parameter for creation of chart
{rgraph chart_name="chart" type="Bar" title="show some Open Effects" width="600" height="300" data="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/5000,5000,5000,5000,6000,7000,8000,8000,11000,9000" colorsSequential="true"
yaxisScaleMax="12000" marginBottom="30" marginLeft="70"
event_script="media/plg_content_rgraph/js/draw-event.js" draw_option="grow()"}cvs{/rgraph}
Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.
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