After download of Zipfile "", unpack (unzip) it into any install-directory. After unpack you will have following dirctories with their files:
- css - style sheets file
- images - images of pieces (stones)
- js - javascript programs
- Your install directory - HTML-samples for German, Englisch, French and Spanish language,
Check file "strings.json"
This file contains all runtime messages for different languages (now in english, french, german and spanish) in json-format. Here you may add additionall languages or edit message text. But pay attention not to destroy the layout and json format.
Create HTML-pages for the game
To ease this job you should use the samples delivered with the zipfile. Following should be checked:
- necessary HTML-tags:
<div id="lang" lang="country code"></div>
used language (e.g. lang="en")<div id="status"></div>
For runtime messages<div id="hints"></div>
For hints<div id="images" dir="image directory of checker pieces"></div>
This div tag is optional and necessary only if images of pieces cannot be found via relative directory "images" (e. g. as HTML-page is fetched via CMS from a Database)<canvas id="canvas" width="width" height="height"</canvas>
Canvas for game board
- Script tags
- checkers game uses jQuery-API, therefore you must ensure that the jquery librrary (e.g. "jquery.min.js") has been added to your html-page and is accessible. Important: Javascript program "checkers.min.js" has to be defined as last script tag just before </body> Tag. This will ensure that DOM has been initialized and is ready.
- How to start/restart game
- Game may me restarted via reload button of Browser. This may be easy to do but it is much better to do this via a control button (this would reload only application not the entire document). Such a solution is provided with the HTML samples. Implementation (add tiny jquery-script and button) is very simple - Feel free to use it.
Upload of files
Create or use a dirctory (e.g. "html/checkers") for the game in your webserver environment, which is accessibel via browser. Then upload all directories with their files into this directory.
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