Parameter for creation of chart
This Pie chart uses a chart script, which lets the segments explode when clicked. Settings in parameter "draw_option" lets the chart "implode".
{rgraph type="Pie" width="600" height="350" data="CDU-CSU,SPD,Linke,Grüne,FDP,AFD,Other/33,21,8,14,7,13,4" title="Next sunday, how would you vote?" labelsSticks="true" tooltipsEvent="onmousemove" variant="pie3d" titleY="10" titleSize="14" draw_option="implode();" colors="#333,#DC143C,#cc3399,green,#e6e600,#0066ff,#aaa" variant="pie3d" titleY="20" marginLeft="95" radius="90" tooltip="#label# <br>#percent#% of votes" marginLeft="100" marginRight="110" highlightStyle="3d" chart_name="chart" chart_script="media/plg_content_rgraph/js/pie_chart.js"}cvs{/rgraph}
Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.
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